About Daladräkt

About Daladräkt

We believe that traditions are important and essential to Sweden, to all Swedes in the world and all people.
Daladräkt is a Stockholm-based clothing company that provides you boutique-quality traditional Swedish costumes for all of your occasions, wherever you may live.

Our garments are inspired by the traditions and culture of the land of Dalecarlia, one of Sweden’s most legendary provinces. Indeed, Dalecarlia has a very rich history and heritage of folk costumes. Folk apparels have been worn for hundreds of years, for both daily activities and special annual occasions, such as birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, exams, Christmas and Midsummer.

Folk costumes have been typically passed down from generation to generation, preserving them within family history. Nowadays a folk dress is a costly investment. Daladräkt, thanks to its internet-based distribution channel, aims to change this constraint. We have selected the most beautiful traditional Dala-costumes and provide you with garments that you can choose amongst and customize to your own individuality. Our costumes are created by Catarina af Sandeberg and the Daladräkt-team, after revisiting the historical documents and rich culture of the region, upholding the folk traditions and with a contemporary twist.

We at Daladräkt hope to satisfy you with the best quality garments, woven and sewn by our highly skilled weavers and seamstresses, provided to you after our strict quality control.