
Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Where are Daladräkt’s products made?

We make our products in Sweden and in the Baltic countries. You can find the ‘Made in’ information on each garment in the product information label. Our products, material and suppliers are chosen with great care and strict control.

How are Daladräkts made?

We work actively towards sustainability when we choose our materials and suppliers. Small family-owned companies situated in Dalecarlia make many of the details on our costumes by hand. They have made weaves and brooches in the same way for generations.
Our garments are quality-made, meant to last for a long time. We believe in working against over-consumption and towards slow fashion.
We also collaborate with Livslust in Latvia, a vocational school which makes many of our beautiful garments.

How many Dala Costumes are there?

Every region in Dalecarlia has its own kind. They are very different from each other, and often easy to tell apart.

Why do you only sell costumes from the area around lake Siljan?

We started with the production of the costumes Catarina wore when growing up, but we are expanding our production on other designs as well. They will be coming soon, so stay tuned for more products to add to your collection!

Will you sell costumes from parts of Sweden, other than Dalecarlia?

We certainly hope so! If you sign up for our newsletter, we will update you on our newest and upcoming products.

Shipping Questions

How long does shipping take?

We normally ship your order within 2-5 business days. Your purchase is shipped with the Swedish Post Office and takes 3 business days to reach the U.S.

Is shipping offered outside of Sweden, the European Union or the United States?

Our English website allows you to ship to all countries in the European Union, to the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. If you live in a different country than the ones listed, we will be happy to receive your order and ship it to you: just email us at [email protected]

Purchase information

How do I make a purchase?

After you have browsed our collection and decided what items to purchase, go to the bottom of the product page and click on “Add to cart”. Automatically, a window will open up on your right-hand corner, which will display the items you have in your cart. To proceed to check out, click on “Go to checkout”. You will now be redirected to the payment section.

How do I pay for my purchase?

To make a payment, you can use PayPal or Visa, Amex, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover and many other credit cards. Choose your preferred method of payment by clicking on one of the two options and fill in your information. Check that your information is correct and click on “Proceed to payment”. This service is brought to you by PayPal, but if you do not have a PayPal account, you can just check out as a guest, without signing up for a PayPal account. Proceed with your payment and submit the order.

How do I delete items from my cart?

When you add an item in your cart, it is stored under the tab “Cart” on the top right of your screen. To access your item, click the “Cart” tab and wait for the window to pop us. You will see a list of all of your items. Find the one you want to delete and move next to the quantity tab. Click on the blue ‘X’ and your item will be deleted from your cart. Repeat this process for the items you want to take out of your cart.

How do I build my Daladräkt package?

Building your customized Daladräkt package is simple!
Select your items by going into each product page and selecting your size, add them one by one to your cart and see your package build up. After you have selected all of your items, proceed to checkout and use our discount code.
We have also made a sample step-by-step Daladräkt guide that shows you with images how to build your package. You can find it at the bottom of each product page.

I cannot proceed with payment, what is happening?

Make sure your information is correct and your credit card or PayPal info are written as they appear on your card without spaces and symbols. If the problem persists, please email us at [email protected]